Oldies but goodies are back. In the world of retro gaming, that is. And plenty of folks are cashing in on the trend. Retro trend-setter Urban Outfitters sells old-school gaming consoles for new school kids with cash to burn. The original game consoles we fell in love with in the 1980s are still available: retrofitted and refurbished, still fully functional. Online retailers like DK Oldies sell the consoles we grew up with like Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis and the Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog games, too. Now there's a new entrant to the market, willing to bring classic arcade games to your door. Who doesn't want someone to bring Centipede to your door, set on "free to play," and let it spend the month with you for $75? Heck, I'm sold. I'd even settle for a Galaga game. You know, if I had to. That's what All You Can Arcade is bringing to the table. Actually, they bring the table, er, gaming table. Currently, the company operates primarily in California -- it's based in San Francisco -- but it plans to expand to the East Coast. (They currently are testing expansion in the Denver area. Customers can scan through the classic games available by typing in their zip code. After ordering the arcade game for $75 per month, the unit shows up at your door a few days later, and then it's 30 days of free play. (That's right, you don't need to save up your quarters.) "I can't think of a better way to make a living," said Seth Peterson, one the All You Can Arcade's founders. That sounds like a win-win deal to me.